CA:tCH Plans
The CA:tCH Portal and WISHIN Pulse are where plans are securely stored. To access they require a login and are for use by trained staff at CA:tCH Plan Partner agencies.
Current CA:tCH Plan Partners include:
Ashland County Health and Human Services, Ashland County Sheriff's Department, Bayfield County Department of Human Services, Bayfield County Sheriff's Office, City of Ashland Police Department, School District of Ashland, Tamarack Health (formerlyMemorial Medical Center), NorthLakes Community Clinic
Ashland County Health and Human Services, Ashland County Sheriff's Department, Bayfield County Department of Human Services, Bayfield County Sheriff's Office, City of Ashland Police Department, School District of Ashland, Tamarack Health (formerlyMemorial Medical Center), NorthLakes Community Clinic